Contact us 03 9687 8638

OptiTrack Motive:Body offers uncommonly simple workflows and impeccable body tracking data, including precision finger tracking in large volumes with high subject counts—perfect for indie studios and AAA production houses alike.

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03 9687 8638


7A Kent Street,
Yarraville, VIC 3013

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    In Depth

    One-click subject calibration

    Calibrate new skeletons in an instant, with a single button click, for subject setup that is unprecedented in its speed and simplicity. You can even do so with multiple subjects in the volume at once. And when you’re ready to send your data to MotionBuilder, OptiTrack Motive:Body will export a pre-configured Actor, with skeletal proportions and markerset ready and waiting on the other end.



    Precision finger tracking

    When used with Flex 13 or Prime Series cameras, OptiTrack Motive:Body leverages the industry’s most precise 3D point data and our new kinematic labeler to produce impeccable finger tracking data that shines in large volumes.



    Expanded subject counts

    Motive:Body’s kinematic labeler has been optimized to track higher subject counts, for capturing more people in larger volumes.

    Kinematic labeling

    OptiTrack Motive:Body uses a clear understanding of each of the subjects’ skeletal structure to produce marker labels. This approach delivers tremendously accurate marker labels, providing stunning real-time output, even during close interaction.


    New markerset templates

    Whether you solve your skeleton in OptiTrack Motive:Body, MotionBuilder, Visual3D, or another third-party tool, Motive:Body’s new markerset templates provide more verbose marker data for better continuity and a cleaner solve.


    Setup is easy

    OptiTrack Motive:Body reduces system setup time by up to 75%. Aim Assist, auto-masking, one-click rigid body creation, versatile hardware and the industry’s longest range cameras make even large systems easy to setup with just one person.


    64-bit, multi-threaded architecture

    OptiTrack Motive:Body was designed from the ground-up to leverage the native power of the latest Windows 64-bit OS and Intel/AMD 64-bit processors, enabling tracking of more objects and actors, longer recordings, larger file sizes, and support for hundreds of cameras per system.


    Comprehensive data management

    Plan and execute complex motion capture sessions with OptiTrack Motive:Body’s new asset and shot management systems. Drag and drop your shot list from Excel, Google Docs, or whatever application you use to build out your shot list. Throughout the shoot, Motive:Body will track your assets and assign each to the takes they were captured in as file metadata—perfect for managing large production shoots.


    Flexible real-time streaming

    OptiTrack Motive:Body gives users the choice of turn-key pipelines or complete access to develop customized output for unique requirements. Stream mocap via our free MotionBuilder plugin, or write your own interface with our NatNet SDK.


    Ikinema Action for Maya

    Stream characters into Maya in real-time with IKinema Action, which offers a super-fast marker solve and straightforward pipeline into the industry’s most popular animation package.Watch the tutorial


    Open SDKs

    OptiTrack Motive:Body’s flexible architecture and free dev tools create the world’s first truly open motion capture platform, offering access to data at any stage in the pipeline—2D camera data, centroid data, unlabeled markers, labeled markers, rigid bodies, and skeletal data. You can even replace the Motive:Body UI completely and directly control system operation in your application with the Motive API.

    SMPTE Time Code

    Users with an Ethernet-based OptiTrack system and the eSync device can stamp recorded and streamed motion tracking data with SMPTE Time Code for integrating with other media and data in post.





    External sync in/out

    Synchronize your system to almost any signal or source with the eSync 2 or OptiHub devices. Cameras can be sync’d to external sources such as a professional video Genlock signal, and can also be triggered to record from general purpose inputs and software commands. Motive:Body also broadcasts a simple XML UDP packet with Time Code and take data that elegantly provides start/stop record for triggering remote devices, such as reference video cameras.


    System health monitoring with indicators

    OptiTrack Motive:Body’s extensive health system monitors real-time performance throughout your pipeline, from camera operation to the quality of your takes. Prime Series users will enjoy Motive:Body’s native integration of the camera status indicator ring, which provides real-time indication of every camera in the system’s activity and health.



    Sync’d reference video with 3D overlay

    Drop any motion capture camera into the video reference group in the camera manager and transform it into a full-frame reference camera. Calibrated and synchronized reference cameras provide an overlay of 3D marker and bone data, creating the perfect visual reference for real-time previs and assistance with post.

    Features & Specs

    Tracking, solving, and labeling

    • One-click subject calibration for painless setup
    • New, higher-density markersets with options for hinged-toes and finger tracking.1
      • Baseline – 37 markers
      • With hinged-toe – 41 markers
      • With hinged-toe and fingers – 49 markers
    • Kinematic labeler for accurately labeling complex reconstructed 3D points during close-proximity, highly-interactive captures
    • Support for higher subject counts, both in real-time and offline applications
    • Track up to 2,000 markers with the industry’s most precise 3D reconstruction
    • Manual trajectory labeling for non-rigid reconstructed 3D points
    • One-click rigid body creation
    • Customizable rigid body solver parameters, including:
      • Deflection and flexibility
      • Dynamic and static constraints
      • Marker sharing
      • Kalman smoothing
    • System health monitoring and event logging ensure that every stage in the workflow operates optimally and identify potential problems when performance issues arise
    • Multi-camera Rigid Body tracking
    • 3 marker minimum per Rigid Body for 6DoF
    • 7 marker maximum per Rigid Body
    • Max Rigid Bodies: 32
    • Redundant Rigid Body marker hand-off

    Camera control and frame sync

    • Camera manager with drag-and-drop migration between camera groups
    • Setting presets for quickly tuning to specific camera functions
      • Tracking
      • Reference
      • Aiming
      • Custom
    • Complete control of camera settings
      • Frame rate
      • Exposure
      • Threshold
      • Illumination (strobed or continuous)
      • Gain
      • Filter Switcher
    • Synchronization control, including frame delivery and shutter offset
    • Full-frame, synchronized, calibrated reference video with 3D overlay
    • Aim Assist integration for compatible cameras
    • Auto-masking of all 2D camera views with a single click
    • Pixel inspection tool for measuring pixel brightness anywhere on any camera
    • Back-projection of marker data onto 2D camera images
    • Verbose camera activity and health indicators overlaid on 2D camera views

    External integration

    • SMPTE Time Code support for recorded and streamed data (via eSync)
    • Flexible real-time streaming:
      • Free MotionBuilder plugin (7.5, 2009-2013)
      • IKinema Action for Maya (2009-2013)
      • VRPN
      • Trackd
      • Custom network development via NatNet SDK
    • Bypass the Motive UI with native integration in external applications via Motive API
    • External sync in/out:
      • Genlock (via eSync)
      • General purpose sync in/out (via eSync or OptiHub)
      • Broadcast simple XML UDP packet for start/stop record for triggering remote devices
      • Compatibility with 3D Shutter Glasses (via eSync or OptiHub)
    • Free 3ds Max plugin (9/2009/2010/2011/2012)


    • Automatic lens detection, with support for custom lensing
    • Support for OptiWands or custom calibration wands
    • Calibrate multiple camera groups with unique settings
    • 3D capture volume visualization, scalable by desired camera overlap
    • Run new, full calibrations or refinements of existing calibrations
    • Utilize volume visualizations and measurement tools to assess volume health and system accuracy

    Data management & post

    • New data management system:
      • Drag-and-drop asset management
      • Paste in shot lists from clipboard
      • New integrated Take files include 2D, 3D, and skeletal data, with optional 2D data archiving
      • Verbose file metadata for each take, including assets and health indicators
    • Optional offline trajectorization:
      • Improved solves for complex, high-density reconstructed 3D points
      • Re-trajectorization with new camera or subject calibrations
    • New data scrubber:
      • Take health indicators reveal gaps in data
      • Channel view for X, Y, Z editing
      • Tracks view for quickly identifying and re-labeling or merging mislabeled and unidentified trajectories
    • Trajectory editing tools
      • Fix swapped trajectories
      • Fill gaps manually or automatically
      • Move trajectories up/down
      • Smoothing, with customizable filter cutoff frequency
      • Manual labeling, including support for custom markersets
    • Solve to skeletal data in Motive, or export opticals for external solving
    • Export formats:
      • C3D for optical data
      • FBX for optical, rigid body, and skeletal data
      • BVH for rigid body and skeletal data
      • CSV for optical and rigid body data

    System Requirements

    Recommended system requirements can vary significantly based on camera model and count. Please visit the system builder tool to find system recommendations tailored to your specific setup.

    Additional Info

    • Part number: MTV-BDY

    Want To Know More?

    Our team of Motion Capture professionals are just an email or a phone call away.

    Contact Us


    03 9687 8638


    7A Kent Street,
    Yarraville, VIC 3013

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